Sabtu, 01 September 2018


Hasil gambar untuk blocvehicle bounty

What is BlocVehicle ?
BlocVehicle is an economy of sharing service, where anyone can buy, sell, or share their used cars directly with others. This platform allows people to buy or sell their used cars without any interference from dealerships. It is based on reliable vehicle history data, so create ecology of transparency and equality. This platform enables generation of profits by leasing out individual cars. By sharing vehicle history data, anyone can rent a car easily at reasonable rates, which can become a foundation of an economy business model, based on vehicle sharing.
BlocVehicle is for everyone; 
providing quality P2P used car transactions and convenient P2P car-sharing services.

Hasil gambar untuk blocvehicle bounty

Technical Details   
Why is Blockchain Used?
In the current market, every system has their program and database separated in the
development stage. These are designed to be shut off, with each of them having
various security solutions such as F/W, access restriction, and encryption. 100%
secure protection is not possible to achieve, however, since a centralized control
system is susceptible to modification by a system moderator or an admin. Blockchain,
on the other hand, has no such authorities. Systemically, blockchain provides a
guarantee of its contents by having a collective group participating in its every step of
the way. When a transaction takes places, countless number of nodes executes the
same program simultaneously to verify the process, only terminating itself when the
verification is proven successful – making it next to impossible to duplicate or hack
the result of the transaction. This is only strengthened by the fact that the
communication protocol, source of the program, and the data is all made open to the
public via Internet.
This ensures that no single entity may have the power to control information, while at
the same time 100% secure protection is provided – the main reason that we have
chosen to utilize the blockchain technology. 

System Structure
BlocVehicle Network is consisted of three layers and an off-block-chain storage. The
apps layer handles connection to all participants. The service layer handles
connection to the apps and core layers. The core layer handles connection to the offblock-chain storage. 

Hasil gambar untuk blocvehicle bounty

Apps Layer
The apps layer provides the UI and API for creating and accessing information.
Participants can utilize all of the functions through the official wallet (iOS / Android
App), whereas a third party participant such as a corporation can create allocated
amount of data through the third party API. The service provider API is provided to
business owners. Through this, the legacy system of existing businesses can be
connected to the BlocVehicle Network. 

Service layer
The service layer connects the app layer and core layer and provides functions to
manage user information. The service layer manages the input and output of data
that is utilized through the connection with the core layer. Internally, the service layer
can be divided into two parts; a Smart Contract based on Ethereum Virtual Machine
(EVM) and a junction connecting the apps layer's application program with the core
layer's data. The information of an account including the details of the smart contract
and vehicle tokens is stored in the Service Layer, which also provides data linking
The service layer includes the information of the smart contract, vehicle tokens and
accounts, and a data link function.

Core Layer
The Core Layer uses diversified databases that can safely protect data within the
data network using the latest encryption technology. Since blockchain can only store
limited amount of data, a separate storage space is needed to efficiently process the
photographic and video data of a vehicle’s history, which is handled by the core layer.
The data created in the process is encrypted automatically; the data’s content is only
accessible to the creator of the data. The core layer is accessible through the service

System Composition
BlocVehicle Network is built on the EVM-based decentralized application program
(DAPP). Currently, the EVM is actively used for the development of Smart Contracts,
making EVM a viable, working solution when considering the cost, reliability, and the
time it takes to develop a new platform. Therefore, BlocVehicle utilizes
Ethereum(ETH) as the main platform.
Three main components consists the BlocVehicle Network; (i) accounts, (ii) car data,
and (iii)VCL Token information. Since it is unrealistic to incorporate every single bits and bytes of data into the blockchain due to the performance issues and the time and
cost the process may take, we have minimized the data that will be directly uploaded
to the chain by only including the hash values of the car history data, wherein the rest
(photographic and video) will be maintained at off-blockchain storage sites in
encrypted forms, which will be based on IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) network.

Type of accounts that may create data is as follows: owner, 3rd party (person) and 3rd Party (company). Type of account that may use data is that of Service Providers

Hasil gambar untuk blocvehicle bounty

Owner Account
This type of account is for the actual owners of the vehicles. The account can be
registered either by the owner himself/herself or one of the members of his/her family.
If the vehicle is a company car, employee assigned to its maintenance may also be
able to register as the owner as well. The owner may use the BlocVehicle App to
create photographic or video data of the car’s history and/or car’s lifestyle, and can
exercise the full rights of ownership for said data. Owners are eligible for VCL
compensation for creating these data. 

Hasil gambar untuk blocvehicle bounty

Third-party Personal Account
This type of account is for employees of vehicle repair shops or insurance companies.
If requested by their customers, they may use the BlocVehicle App to create data of
the photographic or video records of maintenance events. This process will enable
the owner of the data to initiate integrated maintenance of all the created data
simultaneously – data created by the owner and data created by a third-party. By this
action, third-party employees will be eligible for compensation, 50% of which is to be
distributed to the car owners. Third-party employees cannot exercise the rights of
ownership for said data. 

Hasil gambar untuk blocvehicle bounty

Third-party Corporate Account
This type of account is for vehicle repair shops or insurance companies. If requested
by their customers, they may create data including the maintenance history of their
customers’ vehicles on the BlocVehicle Network using a third-party API. This process
will enable the integrated maintenance of the widely dispersed car data as a whole.
By this action, third-party companies will be eligible for compensation, 70% of which
is to be distributed to the car owners. Third-party companies cannot exercise the
rights of ownership for said data.

Service Provider Account
This type of account is used for other service providers to access BlocVehicle
Network. There is no restriction in issuing the account, and the legacy systems of
service providers will be connected to BlocVehicle Network via a service provider’s

Hasil gambar untuk blocvehicle bounty

Off-blockchain Storage
BlocVehicle encrypts the photographic data of a car’s lifestyle and video file into a
form that can only be deciphered by individual keys of the data owner. The encrypted
data is then uploaded to an off-blockchain storage site. The actual content that is
preserved on the blockchain system is the hash value of these uploaded data. A data
network based on an IPFS network will be utilized as the storage.

only the hash values of the stored data are put in blockchain storage. The storage will
be used by establishing a IPFS-based data network.
BlocVehicle users can use this off-blockchain storage in addition to their personal
devices such as smartphones and computers. Based on the stored data, they can
use BlocVehicle services for various purposes. The integrity of the stored data is
verified through the hash information stored via blockchain.

Data Inquiry System
BlocVehicle provides an inquiry system utilizing the service layer that can be used to
obtain data of other users in the system. In order to achieve this, a separate datasearching system is provided. 

However, all users have the right to refuse or allow the disclosure of their information, leading to only select approved data to be shown in the inquiry.

Car owners can set their profile public or private, and can also set the desired
parameter of their disclosed information if the profile is set to public. BlocVehicle
stores the index information of a user’s data when it is set to public. Within permitted
range, a businessperson may be able to search for data using the Service provider
API, and can initiate a Smart Contract with data owners to trade stored data.

If car owners do not want to share their car data but is willing to sell or donate their
data under certain conditions, they may still participate in the data-trade through other
means, since businesspersons are eligible to announce their set of conditions on the
network for the specific types of data that they are looking for, either with or without
compensation. If a circumstance is created where both parties have their conditions
met, data-trade can be conducted via the push/alarm function for the car owner. All of
these are processed in the background of a device so that manual participation of
users is reduced to the minimum. 

Road Map

For more detailed information:

Eth: 0x4Fc47233411361C0c479FF6B5DB52e635394fbac

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