Selasa, 25 September 2018


                     Hello, all of you in this post, I will review about a project where this project is designed to enable producers of vaping industries to create online stores that utilize the most advanced technology in e-commerce and that is only in ELYQD.


What is the clarity about ELYQD
eLYQD is a decentralized ethereum based ecosystem marketplace that will be the framework for the entire vaping industry. One of the main features of eLYQD is the use of blockchain technology, which allows making the platform transparent, open and as safe as possible for both transaction parties, reduction of transaction and business costs, and simplifying of the purchase process.

eLYQD is a platform designed to allow vaping industry manufacturers to create an online store that will make good use of the most advanced technologies in the e-commerce field, and providing the vaping community the freedom of choice and the option to pay for products with LYQD tokens, fiat or cryptocurrencies.

This is a global problem that is often experienced:

*Full product range — either expensive or not available
*Cross-border payments for vaping products
*Payment Verification or denial
*Record keeping and security

This is the ELYQD solution to overcome the problem

*Consumers have access to brands from all over the world 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, wherever they are.
*LYQD tokens allow users to send and receive payment globally in minutes, eliminating the risk of nonpayment and costing a tiny fraction of the total
eLYQD blockchain will facilitate immediate fund transfer into escrow accounts. All constituents can manage escrow accounts through smart contracts.
*The eLYQD recordkeeping app will allow for simplified electronic record creation and store this data on a decentralized anonymized network that is significantly harder to hack and leak.
*The eLYQD system will eliminate points of potential breakdown. eLYQD smart contracts will (a) ensure that transitions occur smoothly and (b) keep immutable records of actions taken by all constituents.
*eLYQD requires proof-of-order, time/location stamping of the actual transaction, and undisputed hash records of all steps executed, from order, billing to shipping.
*The eLYQD network will record all transactions, positive actions improve a user’s reputation. The risk of a negative review motivates all parties to remain honest. eLYQD’s blockchain-based decentralized network will provide a platform for the next generation of peer-to-peer (P2P) apps to support and record all constituent interactions in the value chain, with proof of completion and compliance at each step.


The eLYQD marketplace will increase the efficacy of all business interactions by freeing them from all kinds of middlemen and making those interactions immediate, transparent, secure and mutually beneficial. This vision will be achieved by creating a fast blockchain-based decentralized ecosystem and organizing user interactions on the peer-to-peer basis. The eLYQD ecosystem will be used by mass consumers and product manufacturers, from all around the world.

Distributed blockchain ensures total transparency and verification of each transaction, including detailed product characteristics, its price structure, relevant circumstances of the sale, as well as reputed profiles of the sale parties. The eLYQD ecosystem will be deployed on the Ethereum platform.

The peer-to-peer principle of interaction within eLYQD will allow all participants to interact directly. This removes middleman-related costs. The price of a product or a service will be passed over to the manufacturer in its entirety. The end-price of a product will only contain real production costs and a fair margin.

Payments within the eLYQD ecosystem will be effected in the system’s own crypto-tokens—LYQD, ERC20-compliant. The function of the token will be to reward users for active use of the ecosystem and contributions to its development (rewards include several types of crypto-paybacks, loyalty, promotions).

In the case of a dispute between buyer and seller, an arbitration service is available. We encourage sellers to choose an arbitrator, as it increases the trust level for buyers and also the probability that purchases will be made. If both parties dispute a transaction, the seller will pay the arbitrator out of the escrowed funds. For buyers, arbitration is always free of charge.

Every seller and buyer will have a reputation rating derived from their conduct during every transaction. Users with a low or negative reputation score may be filtered out, in order to protect other users from fraud and wasted time. This reputation system will encourage legitimate merchants and customers to act honestly and to build up a solid reputation.

Ether, like all cryptocurrencies, is volatile, changing in value on a daily basis, relative to national currencies like the dollar and the euro. eLYQD will develop an integrated payment system that works like ether, but converts to currencies at a ratio of 1:1. Finally, items can be priced in a national currency, and you will know exactly how much you’re spending or being paid.


Within the eLYQD ecosystem, brands, consumers, arbiters, distribution and shippers interact directly with one another. Transactions are powered by LYQD and therefore they are fast, secure and transparent. There is no need for intermediaries that exist in traditional vaping ecosystems. eLYQD will retain all the value generated by the community within the ecosystem.

the elyqd tokenomics
The fundamental unit of value within the eLYQD marketplace is the LYQD
Coin token (“token”), backed by the vaping industry. Tokens provide nonvolatile,
inflationary – resistant digital value within the eLYQD marketplace.

The LYQD token will be derived from a standard Ethereum ERC 20 token and will be tradeable on exchanges.
The eLYQD platform offers the vaping industry a sharing -economy marketplace without country borders, intermediaries, or central hubs.
Here, transactions between manufacturers and consumers are routed through a decentralized peer- to-peer network.
The distribution will be carried out through a smart contract.
Raised funds will be used to launch the platform,integrate the token and finance promotion and marketing.

Depending on the raised sum, we will execute the project on different levels. Integrated within the Ethereum smart contract, it will serve as the utility token of a decentralized autonomous organization – known as elyqd world platform.
LYQD token will act as the underlying fuel driving all components to perform effortlessly while maximizing the benefits by providing the lowest pricing in the industry

ICO details

The name of the LYQD token
Platform – ERC-20
The cost of token Pre-ICO – 1 LYQD = 0.0024 USD
The price of a token-ICO – 1 LYQD = 0.0024 USD
Soft Cap – 2,000,000 USD
Hard Cap – 15,000,000 USD

Total number of generated LYQD tokens:
Date of pre-ico sale start:
July 01st 2018 09:00 a.m. UTC
Date of pre-ico sale end:
July 08th 2018 11:00 a.m. uTc
Date of crowdsale start:
July 09th 201819: 00 p.m.uTc
Token contract address:
Token purchase address:
Date of crowdsale end:
September 30th 2018 23:00 p.m.
until hard capisreached utcor
Token distribution date:
upto 15 days after ICO ends


For more detailed information about ELYQD visit the site below:

Eth: 0x4Fc47233411361C0c479FF6B5DB52e635394fbac



Curaizon is a UK-based company that has developed CuraServe, a soluton to improve drug adherence
and bring game-changing benefts to patents and healthcare providers. Our soluton works with patents,
their families and healthcare providers to ensure that patents take their medicatons as prescribed through a
series of outreach tools, supported by predictve modeling tools and behavioral analysis, to increase the rate
of drug adherence. As our CuraServe soluton helps patents, it’s also generatng a vast amount of patent
data which is then anonymized and made available through our CuraData platorm. Companies, academics
and non-profts can access this data by purchasing our CuraTokens.

Curaizon is unique because our CuraServe soluton generates the informaton that drives the value of
our CuraData platorm. We’re not simply ofering another way of storing, sharing or mining data. Our data
is the frst-of-its-kind insight into real-tme patent behaviour and adherence. Through our collaboratons
with research insttutons, natonal health services and biotech companies, we shall create one of the
most powerful and valuable data sources in healthcare. We will become a centre for excellence within the
community of healthcare and pharmaceutcal industries. Our data and analytcs will fnally give the health
and pharmaceutcal industries the tools they have been looking for to bring about the change patents
need. Our value-based approach to a simple, accessible, yet valuable exchange of data and analysis will
revolutonise the healthcare landscape. Leveraging our contracts with healthcare providers, we can quickly
build an ecosystem of mutually benefcial stakeholders within the value chain

Utlity Tokens
CuraToken (“CTKN”) is an EIP-20 Ethereum-based utlity token which can be used to access medical
adherence data via Curaizon’s CuraData platorm. This data is of interest to research insttutons, natonal
health services and biotech companies. Blockchain technology will be used to store the patent permissions
and ensure transparency and anonymity. Through the smart contracts and embedded API calls, access is
given to the underlying big data. Through this technology, CuraToken (CTKN) will become a unique soluton
to build a win-win-win situaton for token holders, patents and medical insttutons. The data grows over
tme and constantly increases in utlity and consequently value. Our reward program encourages data
collaboraton, thus increasing the overall value and atractveness of our data. Our CuraCharity platorm
donates to worthy causes that are leading the way in research and beter treatment in the healthcare sector.

Value Of The Soluton
Our unique data will be able to lower the direct cost of drug non-adherence which is estmated to be more
than $700 billion per year.
In additon, pharmaceutcal companies lose more than $630 billion in revenue
annually to patent non-adherence and the amount lost is increasing by 13% per year. Our data will be
indispensable in helping drug companies improve revenues by ensuring patents are taking the drugs they are
supposed to. This represents a win-win as higher adherence rates equal higher revenues for pharmaceutcal
companies, beter outcomes for patents and considerable savings for healthcare providers.

Platorm Value
The total number of potental users of our platorm include all of the patents covered by natonal health
services across the world. This is a total of 1.4 billion patents and growing.
The reason that this data is so valuable is that it simply doesn’t exist anywhere else. There is no accurate,
real-tme adherence data for patents taking medicatons today. There are examples of people selling
personal data for as much as $100 per month, however, basic health records can be purchased for between
$7-$25. These, however, have no capacity to predict future behaviour, or inform best practce or optmize
drug prescribing protocols.

Cost Model
Because CuraData™ is expected to grow and contain more valuable data over tme, we antcipate that the
cost to access the data will be periodically adjusted based on its value in the market. The price for data access
will be set in fat currency (USD). The value will be a functon of the number of patents using the system,
the tme period they have been using the system, and the complexity of our AI & machine learning neural
networks (which will dictate the quality and quantty of analytcs).
There are several levels of access to the underlying data. The more informaton a token holder requires, the
greater cost and therefore number of tokens that will be necessary to access that data.

Our 2 + 1 Cost Model
On a use by use basis - The more complex the data requirement, in terms of number of records and complexity
of search query (age, gender, drug, etc.), the greater the number of Curaizon’s™ utlity token are needed to
provide access and analyze that data.
By tme - We provide unlimited queries to our underlying informaton for a fxed period tme for a pre-arranged
number of tokens.
Including Partner Data - Access to Curaizon’s™ data will be enhanced by augmented data provided by
additonal partners. This will be an additonal cost opton that will be available for both a “use by use” and
“by tme” basis.
For example. A pharmaceutcal researcher completes a shallow sweep through our data to look for
epidemiological trends and correlatons. They then enhance their research to include our partner’s data. On
identfying a signifcant trend of interest, they would then pay for a fxed amount of tme to complete a full
in-depth data set sweep (including partners) as part of a new drug discovery or validaton (by tme).

Charitable Donatons
As per our philosophy 10% of our profts will be paid in fat currency to CuraCharity™ and given to the
charites chosen by the patents whose records Curaizon’s™ platorm has utlized. This gives patents even
greater reason to engage with the technology. Research indicates that people are far more likely to engage
with a company where there is a charitable element present.

Token Propertes
• NO new tokens will be created afer the token sale ends
• 50% of tokens will be available for sale to reach our hard-cap of $25 million during our Token Sale.


For more information:

Eth: 0x4Fc47233411361C0c479FF6B5DB52e635394fbac


Hasil gambar untuk cryptonity bounty

Cryptonity is the combination of two words: Crypto and Community.

Simple but strong and meaningful, our goal is to be an exchange that is respected by the Cryptocurrency Community. We aim at providing the most comprehensive, secure, transparent and collaborative exchange platform in the market. 

We want to bring good vibes to the Crypto World, breaking with the ‘only profit’ policy of most exchanges.


A comprehensive “Cryptosystem”
Provide our users with the most ergonomic and performant trading tools. 
Users who own our Cryptonity Token (XNY) to be granted with the lowest fees in the market. 
We plan to develop our own Blockchain and a decentralised exchange with the participation of our community through a rewarded program.

Security & Insurance
Provide our users the most secure trading platform, working with the best security experts in the market, audited twice a year by independent security companies.
First crypto exchange to provide an insurance to refund our users in case of losses.

A Community centric trading platform
Involve the crypto community in the evolution of the platform to meet their needs and requests: features to be developed, coins to be listed, etc. 
Responsive multilingual customer service, low fees and fully transparent policy.
“Forks”, “Airdrops”, “Staking Rewards” and “Masternode” features to be implemented.

Building a cryptocurrency exchange is not an easy task. Building an exchange that provides a complete set of tools and features is an even more challenging ambition. At Cryptonity, we are conscious of the time, self-investment, passion and hard work a project like this demands. But we do believe that the current exchanges, including those who have been in the market for a long time, can be improved in a lot of ways. Perfection is very hard to reach, but we strive to get close to it, as much as we can. Based on our experiences in cryptocurrency as traders and miners who have been active users of current platforms, we do believe that we have the knowledge and the skills needed to build the cryptocurrency exchange you’ve been waiting for. We also believe that in an exchange project, as for any other business, the customer is the king, and should be treated as a king, or a queen. Our users/customers are the ones who use our tools, trust to keep their money safe, and thus help us build our reputation and credibility in the market. So they deserve to be listened to and to be treated with care. That philosophy is the very root of our project. Cryptonity is the combination of Crypto and Community. It’s simple but strong and meaningful, as our goal is to be an exchange that is respected by the Cryptocurrency Community

Hasil gambar untuk cryptonity bounty

We will issue our own token, called Cryptonity Token, with the ticker XNY. Our Cryptonity Token will run natively off the Ethereum Blockchain. We are planning to develop our own Blockchain in the near future and we will start working on it right after our Token Sale is finalised. We will issue a fixed amount of 100M (one hundred million) Cryptonity Tokens. We will never increase that amount or repurchase our Tokens. Manipulating our token such as decreasing the total supply to create deflation is against our ethical policy and the worst way to gain respect from the community, the traditional market and the regulators. We do not want to use practices that contribute to give a bad image to a crypto market that surely doesn’t need that. Cryptonity Token will be a utility token and its price shall thus be related to its utility. Our token will grant its owners a lifetime discount of 50% on Cryptonity Exchange fees. It will also enable its owners to take part to specific features such as the vote for the “Coin of the Month”. Find out more details about our fees in the “Economic Scheme” section.

Token Symbol: XNY
Token Type: ERC20
Total Token Supply: 100.000.000
Token Price: 0.23 $
Minimum Transaction: 0.05 ETH
Minimum Goal: 500.000 $
Maximum Goal: 20.120.000 $
Public Sale 1 Starts: Oct 31, 2018
Public Sale 1 End: Nov 30, 2018
Public Sale 2 Starts: Nov 30, 2018
Public Sale 2 End: Dec 14, 2018
Public Sale 3 Starts: Dec 14, 2018
Public Sale 3 End: Dec 31, 2018
Hasil gambar untuk cryptonity bounty

Our Token Sale will be done in multiple cryptocurrencies that are: Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, Litecoin and Binance Coin. Our Token Sale will be opened for 2 months (61 days to be more precise). All investors need to complete their “Know Your Customer” (KYC) registration to be able to withdraw their tokens.
Our lead company is located in France and thus the French laws and regulations will apply for the Crowdsale. USA citizens cannot participate in our token sale. Citizens from any other country are welcome. Cryptonity Token will be released 15 working days after the end of our Token Sale.

Hasil gambar untuk cryptonity bounty


For more detailed information, visit the link below:

Eth: 0x4Fc47233411361C0c479FF6B5DB52e635394fbac


Hasil gambar untuk streampay bounty

StreamPay is a universal payment and tracking method integrated with all forms of payments and currencies all over the world. Integrated into the consumer’s smartphone, the payment will show up on the user’s wallet. StreamPay enables the consumer to deposit funds and transfer them to different parts of the world.The consumer will be given a debit card, either Visa or MasterCard. This will enable him/her to make payments to any merchant which accepts Visa or MasterCard. A powerful tool, a smart contract will help the user to keep their funds safe. This new service would be the consumer’s funds make payments to any merchant which accepts Visa or MasterCard. A powerful tool, a smart contract will help the user to keep their funds safe. This new service would be the consumer’s funds.

StreamPay is an enterprise distributed ledger project based on blockchain technology. The purpose and design philosophy of this project aims to secure smart contracts and keep distributed ledgers scattered, especially for use by enterprises. Streampay technology keeps distributed ledgers to create articles to insert into smart contracts, so many players in a transaction can track the good back from the raw materials into the finished product using QR codes. Streampay enables players of a transaction to make policy decisions. Streampay also manages the payment process using cryptocurrencies in the player’s local currencies.

StreamPay Supply Chain Monitoring Process 
The StreamPay process using blockchain smart contracts provides management with a view of the global supply chain.

Hasil gambar untuk streampay bounty
StreamPay Development
StreamPay has already completed the following features and tools for its platform:
 Ability to monitor supplier performance
 Ability to integrate information from disparate legacy systems
 Ability to analyze supplier risk-related performance
 A customized, dynamic risk model that automatically calculates the risk of any
supplier and alerts relevant staff members if a supplier moves to a higher risk
 Reduced response time for risk-related incidents through alerts via SMS and
 Ability to analyze risk-related metrics by type, supplier, location, time, or any
other variable collected
 A streamlining of the entire audit and certification process
 Sales and customer relationship management
 Collection of customer data (e.g., applications, scope, number of employees)
 Price quoting/proposals based on required days, rates, scope, or complexity
 Audit scheduling (auto-schedules surveillance per the proper cycle)
 Auditor assignments (matches auditor industry codes with customers)
 Electronic audits via laptops/handhelds and on-site report writing
 The processing of nonconformance, corrective actions, appeals, and complaints
 Certification and re-certification management
 Certificate generation and the tracking of expiration dates
 Financial modules for customer invoicing and the creation of accounts payable
records for auditor expenses
 Post-audit surveys to assess customer satisfaction
 Powerful information dashboards and reporting tools
 Immediate availability of important information across the organization
 Assistance in quickly identifying new trends and areas needing attention
 Facilitation of the prioritization of necessary actions to be taken
 Management of certification body compliance to ISO Guide 62, 65, and 66 and
ISO 17021 and 17065
 Post-audit certification, registration, invoices, and other results on a website
 Acceptance and processing of customer requests via an online portal
 Processing of online payments for services rendered
The web platform already has hundreds of users issuing audits, monitoring their supply
chains, and assessing risk. To view a demo of StreamPay please visit There are instructions on how to access the demo.

Hasil gambar untuk streampay bounty

StreamPay is developing and integrating smart contracts for the StreamPay platform and developing the StreamPay mobile app. The mobile app will have the wallet and QR code scanning to monitor and trace the supply chain in real time. We are also working on integrating the payment solution and payment release using cryptocurrencies.

 StreamPay Mobile Wallet App
When users log in to the StreamPay app, the feature screen is displayed as shown above. The QR code will be scanned to automate the release of the payment. After successful payment transfer, the user will receive SENT and RECEIVED notifications. Users will be able to download an application that will allow them to check the history of their accounts and how much they have received or sent. StreamPay clearly shows how it works; the supply chain management looks like the above screen. When a user successfully transfers funds, then that pop-up window that will appear.

Hasil gambar untuk streampay bounty

STPY Crowdsale
Our token sale starts on 1 st September 2018, at 50,000,000 STPY tokens will be distributed during the token sale period. Pre-sale starts 30th June 2018. The Last day of the token sale is 31st January 2018. The price is set at the rate of 1 STPY token per $1.00 USD. Ethereum will be used to purchase in the tokens. Funds will be collected during the token sale and used with the following:

Price of StreamPay:  1 STPY Token = $1.00 USD
Option for early termination:  Yes, upon reaching $10 million USD
Technical limit to the number of tokens:  50,000,000 (fifty million)

Soft Cap:  $100,000 USD
Hard Cap:  $50,000,000 USD
Adjustable distribution:  Unsold and unallocated tokens will be reserved
Further Token issues:  No, a single token issue within the token sale
Secured methods of token purchase:  Ethereum (ETC)
Token Distribution Supported:  No Later than 1st February
Token Activation Date:  5th February 2019

Extra Bonuses Allocation
Pre-Sale Bonus (30th June – 31st August)
Allowance:  +30% Token
Stage 1 Bonus (1st September- 30th September)
Allowance:  +25% Token
Stage 2 Bonus (1st October – 30th October)
Allowance:  +20% Token
Stage 3 Bonus (1st November – 30th November)
Allowance:  +15% Token
Stage 4 Bonus (1st December – 30th December)
Allowance:  +10% Token

Distribution of Tokens

The 12% of tokens allocated for reserved funds will be used for continued improvements to the platform. The 4% of tokens allocated for marketing and loyalty purposes will be gradually released to enlarge the user base and fulfill the Monthly Loyalty Program goals. The final 14% of tokens will be distributed among the founders, management, advisors, and software development team and the participants in the bounty campaign. StreamPay is focused on delivering products that support mass-scale adoption as quickly and efficiently as possible and thereby simultaneously delivering value to STPY holders. StreamPay ensures the token ownership of people who purchase tokens no later than 10th February 2019 (12:00 UTC-4) and provides all the necessary account details. Distribution of tokens can be conducted before 5 th February 2019, but tokens will be inactive for usage and transfers. All possible functionality of tokens will be active on 12th February 2019.

Token Sale Fund Allocation


Hasil gambar untuk streampay bounty

For more detailed information about Streampay visit the link below:

White Paper:

Eth: 0x4Fc47233411361C0c479FF6B5DB52e635394fbac

Sabtu, 22 September 2018

Tổng quan về nền tảng ICOO Ternion

Hasil gambar untuk ternion bounty

Ternion là một nền tảng trao đổi kỹ thuật số được cấp phép tích hợp với các cổng Fiat và các dịch vụ thương mại. Mục đích là để tăng tính sẵn có của thị trường tiền điện tử bằng cách liên kết các dịch vụ tài chính hiện đại với một hệ thống tài chính phi tập trung cho phép và thúc đẩy sự đổi mới tài chính mật mã. Ngoài ra, Ternion nhằm mục đích thúc đẩy sự đổi mới sáng tạo mã hóa bằng cách phát triển tiền điện tử cung cấp hỗ trợ thực sự cho các doanh nghiệp có lợi nhuận, chứ không phải là đầu cơ nhưng các lực lượng thị trường tự nhiên.

Nền tảng có Ternion - cộng đồng mà cố gắng để giải quyết một số thách thức đối với hệ thống cryptocurrency hiện nay là như thế nào sự thiếu tự tin của ICOs trong độ tin cậy của tài sản kỹ thuật số của họ, crypto - dịch vụ chia sẻ với tiêu chuẩn thấp hơn so với các công ty môi giới truyền thống được thành lập và khó khăn trong việc việc thực hiện cryptothermine như một phương thức thanh toán.

Ternion hệ sinh thái Các Ternion - 
hệ sinh thái bao gồm ba thành phần mà làm việc cùng nhau và Ternion (TRN) hỗ trợ như một loại tiền tệ diễn đàn hữu ích.

Exchange Ternion là một nền tảng Exchange có thể tùy chỉnh, hiệu quả và hiệu quả, cho phép người dùng thay đổi mã hóa mã hóa và mã hóa thành mã hóa và mật mã. Mục đích chính của việc trao đổi là cung cấp các giải pháp toàn diện cho các đại lý mật mã. 
Quy trình thanh toán Ternion Bộ xử lý 
thanh toán tạo điều kiện thanh toán giữa nhà cung cấp và khách hàng của họ. Người dùng nhận thẻ ghi nợ mà họ có thể sử dụng để thực hiện thanh toán. Sau đó, nhà cung cấp có thể chọn nhận các khoản thanh toán được xử lý ở chế độ Phân bổ Fiat hoặc Crypto.

Quỹ thanh khoản Ternion 
Đây là bản chất của hai thành phần còn lại. Điều này đảm bảo rằng lạm phát mã thông báo TRN không xảy ra và sẽ không tiết kiệm tiền tích lũy cho sự phát triển của nền tảng Ternion.

Token Ternion 
TRN là một mã thông báo tương thích với ERC20, hoạt động như một mã thông báo tiện ích trên một nền tảng để trả tiền hoa hồng cho việc trao đổi hoặc chuyển các mã thông báo trên Sở Giao dịch Chứng khoán Ternion. Ngoài ra, mã thông báo cung cấp khả năng tương thích với tất cả các điểm đánh dấu tuân thủ ERC20 có lợi cho tất cả người dùng của hệ sinh thái Ternion.

Tại sao đầu tư vào Ternion?
Nền tảng này có sẵn thông qua các ứng dụng cho nền tảng di động và các ứng dụng web, không chỉ phù hợp với người chơi thể chế, mà còn cho một trong những nhà đầu tư tư nhân.
Ternion sẽ tiến hành kiểm toán hàng năm các giao dịch và chức năng nền tảng để đảm bảo tính minh bạch và độ tin cậy của công chúng về tiến độ trong tương lai.
Ternion Exchange có giấy phép kinh doanh ở Châu Âu và tuân thủ tất cả các quy tắc của châu Âu về truyền dẫn trên tàu để kiểm tra nhanh.
Nền tảng này có dịch vụ khách hàng toàn diện bao gồm quản lý hàng đầu để giúp khách hàng có vấn đề hoặc vấn đề với Ternion.

Thông số của ICO Ternion (TOKn 
thẻ ) : Mã TRN 
Mã: thẻ ERC20 
tổng : 95.000.000 TRN giao thẻ 
trước: 22.500.000 TRN 
giao thẻ trong ICO: 53.500.000 TRN 
ngày trước khi bán: Active lên 28 Tháng 6 năm 2018. 
ICO ngày: 
Vòng A trên 29 Tháng Sáu 29 tháng 8 Tỷ giá hối đoái: 1 TRN 0,65 USD 
Vòng B 30, từ ngày 30 đến Tỷ giá hối đoái Tháng Mười: 1 TRN 2.10 USD 
Vòng C vào ngày 1, ngày 30 tháng 12, tỷ giá hối đoái: 1 TRN 3, 23 đô la Mỹ
Softcover: 5.000.000 
Bìa cứng: 65.000.000

Hasil gambar untuk ternion bounty

Hasil gambar untuk ternion bounty

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Présentation de la plateforme Ternion ICO

Hasil gambar untuk ternion bounty


Ternion est un actif numérique hybride soutenu par un écosystème financier qui maintient sa liquidité grâce à des activités commerciales rentables. 
C'est ce que cela signifie pour vous en tant que détenteur du jeton: 
Waves dire au revoir à la dépréciation des actifs et de l' effondrement - contribuer 
Payer pour les biens et services en utilisant la Crypto monnaie, sans subir des pertes et des transactions qui ne réussissent pas en raison des fluctuations du prix 
Obtenez le traitement VIP tout en travaillant dans Ternion Échangez avec des remises dans toutes les directions lorsque vous payez pour des services 

Lorsque vous contribuez à la ternion traite d' origine, vous obtenez plus qu'un simple jeton - accès complet à l'avenir, où la monnaie Crypto est un outil financier fiable pour les consommateurs, les commerçants, les déposants - tous. 
Dans l'écosystème de Ternion, tous les mécanismes internes de génération de revenus 
soutiennent le Ternion Liquidity Fund. Tout comme le modèle financier de Ternion repose sur le marché de l' 
énergie naturelle pour soutenir la liquidité de Ternion, ainsi que la fonction d'utilitaire de jeton Ternion. 
Les flux TRN sont très bien intégrés dans l'écosystème Ternion, fonctionnant comme une méthode d' 
échange pour les coûts encourus par le biais de Ternion Exchange et de Ternion Payments.
Ce mécanisme de service peut entraîner une augmentation de la demande de jetons TRN, qui sont ensuite transférés 
dans l'écosystème, créant ainsi un cycle d'approvisionnement et de demande fermé. 
Ternion Exchange est un objet personnalisé, sous licence et centralisé qui permet le commerce de crypto, cryat et crypto. 
Au stade ICO, les échanges deviendront des hybrides. Cela facilitera les échanges décentralisés avec un système centralisé.

Ternion Processor Payment est une passerelle de paiement qui peut être mise en œuvre à la discrétion du fournisseur et qui émet une carte à ses utilisateurs. Les utilisateurs peuvent également utiliser une carte de débit pour payer leurs fournisseurs. Les fournisseurs peuvent choisir de recevoir de l'argent fiduciaire ou crypté pour des biens et services en appliquant l'API Ternion dans leur mode de paiement. Ceci est rendu possible par l'intégration d'Exchange dans le système.

Le fonds de liquidité de Ternion prend en charge deux modèles commerciaux et constitue le moteur de l'échange et du processeur de paiement. Le fonds est également chargé d'échanger des marqueurs en utilisant un quart des bénéfices de l'entreprise et de les brûler pour lutter contre l'inflation. Ce fonds maintient également un autre quart des fonds accumulés pour disposer de liquidités pour l'expansion mondiale de Ternion à l'avenir. 
Informations techniques 
Compatible avec ERC20 

Permet la compatibilité de tous les marqueurs compatibles avec ERC20, ce qui offre des avantages significatifs pour chaque utilisateur de l'écosystème Ternion. 

Au cours de la période de construction, 
Ternion Exchange a une licence commerciale européenne Crypto №FVR000209 

FIX API Integration
Ternion doit avoir une intégration de l'API FIX. Nous souhaitons intégrer l'intégration de la 
feuille de route de l' intégration API 

T1 2018
Le développement Exchange commence. 

T2 2018 
Pré ventes publiques. Démarrez Exchange. 

T3 2018 
Ventes générales. 

Trimestre de 2018 La 
décentralisation fermée la version bêta d'Exchange. Exchange introduit le trading de marge. Le développement des échanges décentralisés a commencé. Extension du pool de liquidités Exchange. 

Q1 2019 
Développement des cartes de paiement ternion. Echange de démarrage décentralisé. Paiement bêta fermé. Exchange Prime Launch. 

T2 2019 
Démarrage du paiement. 

Paramètre ICO Ternion (TRN jeton) 
Token: TRN 
Protocole Token: ERC20 
total jeton: 95000000 TRN 
jeton de livraison dans les ventes prévente: 22,5 millions TRN 
jeton pour ICO Livraison: 53,5 millions TRN
Date préventes: Actif jusqu'au 28 Juin 2018. 

Ronde A 29 Juin 29 Coefficient de change Août: 1 TRN 0,65 USD 
round Petit déjeuner 30 Taux de change Août 30 Octobre: 1 TRN 2.10 USD 
Taux de change C 1 Ronde du 30 Décembre Novembre: 1 TRN 3,23 USD 
couverture souple: 5 millions 
couverture rigide: 65000000

Hasil gambar untuk ternion bounty

Plus d'informations:

Suivez - nous sur Twitter: https: // twitter. com / ternionofficial

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Hasil gambar untuk ternion bounty

Ternion is een hybride cryptografische uitwisseling met een fiat-gateway en geïntegreerde commerciële diensten.

De Ternion Exchange is een gereguleerde, geautoriseerde en gecentraliseerde entiteit die codering naar codering, fiat naar codering en codering naar fiduciaire handel mogelijk maakt. 
In de post-ICO fase zal de uitwisseling een hybride worden. Het vergemakkelijkt een gedecentraliseerde uitwisseling met een gecentraliseerde centrale.

De Ternion-betalingsprocessor is een betalingsgateway die naar goeddunken van een provider kan worden geïmplementeerd en kaarten aan zijn gebruikers kan uitgeven. Gebruikers kunnen de betaalpas ook gebruiken om verkopers te betalen. Aanbieders kunnen ervoor kiezen om fiat of cryptocurrency te ontvangen voor goederen en services door de Ternion API in hun betaalmethode te implementeren. Dit is mogelijk dankzij de integratie van Exchange in het systeem.

Ternion Liquidity Fund is compatibel met twee bedrijfsmodellen en vormt de ruggengraat van Exchange en de betalingsverwerker. Het Fonds is ook verantwoordelijk voor het opnieuw kopen van de tokens door een kwart van de winst van het bedrijf te gebruiken en deze te verbranden om de inflatie te bestrijden. Het Fonds bewaart ook nog een kwart van de geaccumuleerde fondsen om liquiditeit beschikbaar te hebben voor de toekomstige uitbreiding van Ternion wereldwijd.

De totale marktkapitalisatie voor de cryptocurrency-sector steeg plotseling met $ 600 miljard tijdens de laatste maanden van 2017. Terwijl Bitcoin verantwoordelijk was voor een aanzienlijk deel van de groei, met een toename van meer dan $ 200 miljard in de loop van het jaar, verscheidene andere alternatieve cryptocurrencies (Altcoins) ) volgde dezelfde trend. Algemene handelsvolumes groeiden dienovereenkomstig in dezelfde periode en bereikten een maximum van meer dan $ 50 miljard in 24 uur, in hetzelfde bereik als het gemiddelde volume van de NYSE. Met de toename van de vraag op de handelsplatforms leden enkele van de belangrijkste beurzen aan Denial of Service (DoS), aangezien hun infrastructuur niet bereid was om met die snelle toename van het aantal operaties om te gaan. De eindresultaten voor de gebruiker waren een trage service, gemiste kansen en in sommige gevallen aanzienlijke verliezen,

Vanuit die situatie hebben de uitwisselingen hun activiteiten en apparatuur geconsolideerd, maar er is nog steeds een algemeen gebrek aan toegangspoorten tot de cryptografische ruimte, wat een probleem vormt voor belastingbetalers die snel van Crypto naar Fiat moeten komen en vertrekken en vice versa.

De uitwisselingen van cryptocurrencies hebben in versnelde tempo bewerkingen in landen over de hele wereld tot stand gebracht. Een van de belangrijkste data-aggregators op de markt, CryptoCompare. com, heeft meer dan 120 uitwisselingen over de hele wereld. Deze uitwisselingen zijn gedifferentieerd in een reeks elementen, waaronder: grootte, model (gecentraliseerd of gedecentraliseerd) en hoeveelheid onderhandelde activa.

De top 10 beurzen genereren meer dan $ 3 miljoen aan vergoedingen per dag, of meer dan $ 1 miljard per jaar (Bloomberg). Hoewel deze cijfers niet exact zijn, is de omvang van de kasstromen die momenteel worden geassocieerd met de cryptocurrency exchange-sector enorm. De grootste volume-uitwisseling is momenteel Binance. Binance boekte slechts een nettowinst van $ 200 miljoen in het eerste kwartaal van 2018, een stijging van meer dan 2.800% in vergelijking met het vorige kwartaal. Volgens gegevens die zijn samengesteld door het intelligente contractplatform van Aelf, worden uitwisselingen in Azië zoals Huobi, Bitfinex,

De Upbit- en Bithumb-processen variëren van $ 600 miljoen tot $ 1,4 miljard in het dagelijkse transactievolume en heffingspercentages van gemiddeld 0,3%, wat betekent dat Azië de helft van de wereldwijde handel in cryptocurrency voor zijn rekening neemt.

De Ternion Exchange wordt in eerste instantie gelanceerd als een gecentraliseerde cryptocurrency-uitwisseling met zorgvuldig geselecteerde functies die de door concurrenten aangeboden functies overtreffen. Het doel van deze pijler van het ecosysteem van Ternion is om een ​​complete oplossing te bieden voor de cryptocurrency-handelaren. De tweede fase van de uitwisseling is om een ​​gedecentraliseerd uitwisselingsplatform (DEX) te bouwen dat aanvankelijk wordt ondersteund door het Ternion-liquiditeitsfonds.

Parameters ICO Ternion (TRN-signaal)
Leaves: TRN 
Token-protocol: ERC20 totaaltoken 
: 95000000 NRT- 
levering van een kaart in de verwachte verkoop: 22,5 miljoen TRN- 
levering van fiches tijdens ICO: 53500000 TRN 
Voorverkoop: actief tot 28 juni 2018. 
ICO Datum: 
rond aan 29 juni, augustus koers 29 verandering: 1 TRN 0,65 USD 
ronde B 30 augustus, 30 oktober, de wisselkoers: 1 TRN 2,10 USD 
ronde C op 1 november, 30 december, de wisselkoers is: 1 TRN 3,23 USD
Zachte hoes: 5000000
Harde kaft: 65000000

Termijnbetalingen dienen als een sleutelfactor voor het verbeteren van de toegang en bruikbaarheid van de cryptocurrency. Ternion-betalingen zijn een betalingsverwerkingssysteem dat voor maximale efficiëntie rechtstreeks in de Ternion-uitwisseling wordt geïntegreerd. Naast het verbeteren van de toegang tot cryptocurrency voor zowel consumenten als verkopers, genereert Ternion Payments inkomsten via een kleine transactiekost voor elke transactie. Ternion OÜ zal deze opbrengst gebruiken om TRN-tokens opnieuw te kopen en op te nemen, waardoor het aanbod van TRN-trills elk kwartaal wordt verminderd. (Meer informatie is te vinden in het deel over het financiële model van Ternion).

1e kwartaal van 2018 
de ontwikkeling De uitwisseling begint.

T2 2018 
openbare voorverkoop. Exchange Home

T3 2018 
verkoop aan het publiek.

Trimester 2018 
Gedecentraliseerde bètawisseling gesloten. De uitwisseling presenteert margeonderhandelingen. De gedecentraliseerde ontwikkeling van Exchange begint. Verandering van liquiditeit in de groepering van geld.

1e kwartaal 2019 
De ontwikkeling van Ternion-betalingen begint. Start de gedecentraliseerde verandering. Gesloten beta-betaling Voorschotbetaling.

T2 2019 
Start de betalingen.

U kunt meer informatie vinden over het platform of deelnemen aan hun verkoopsgroep via de volgende links:

Et: 0x4Fc47233411361C0c479FF6B5DB52e635394fbac

टर्नियन आईसीओ मंच का प्रस्तुति

Hasil gambar untuk ternion bounty

टर्नियन गेटवे फिएट और व्यापारी सेवाओं के साथ एकीकृत डिजिटल एक्सचेंज प्लेटफॉर्म अधिकृत है। यह विकेन्द्रीकृत वित्तीय प्रणाली है, जो की सुविधा है और यह भी Ternion क्रिप्टोग्राफिक kriptofinansirovanii को विकसित करने में नवाचार को बढ़ावा देने के वित्तपोषण kriptovom में नवाचार को बढ़ावा देता है के लिए आधुनिक वित्तीय सेवाओं को जोड़ने के द्वारा kriptovalyutnogo के बाजार उपलब्धता का विस्तार करना चाहता है कि असली और अटकलों पर नहीं प्राकृतिक बाजार की शक्तियों लाभदायक व्यवसाय के लिए समर्थन, और -monnaie।

यह एक मंच पर टर्नियन समुदाय का लक्ष्य है जिसका उद्देश्य आज की क्रिप्टोवोलीटनी बाजार प्रणाली का सामना करने वाली कुछ समस्याओं को हल करना है, आईसीओ द्वारा उनकी डिजिटल परिसंपत्तियों की सुरक्षा में आत्मविश्वास की कमी के रूप में, क्रिप्टोबमेनाह में कम कठोर मानक हैं परंपरागत ब्रोकरेज फर्मों द्वारा निर्धारित किए गए लोगों की तुलना में, और भुगतान की विधि के रूप में क्रिप्टोटर्मनी को लागू करने में कठिनाइयों।

टर्नियन पारिस्थितिकी तंत्र 
टर्नियन पारिस्थितिक तंत्र में तीन तत्व होते हैं जो एक साथ सहयोग करते हैं और एक उपयोगी विनिमय मंच के रूप में टर्नियन (टीआरएन) का समर्थन करते हैं।

एक्सचेंज टर्नियन एक स्केलेबल, सस्ती और कुशल एक्सचेंज प्लेटफार्म है जो उपयोगकर्ताओं को क्रिप्टो एन्क्रिप्शन, क्रिप्टोग्राफी में फिएट और क्रिप्टोग्राफी को परिवर्तित करने की अनुमति देता है। एक्सचेंज का मुख्य उद्देश्य क्रिप्टो व्यापारियों को एक संपूर्ण समाधान प्रदान करना है।

टर्नियन भुगतान 
प्रोसेसर भुगतान प्रोसेसर आपूर्तिकर्ताओं और उनके ग्राहकों के बीच भुगतान की सुविधा प्रदान करता है। उपयोगकर्ताओं को एक डेबिट कार्ड प्राप्त होगा जिसे वे भुगतान करने के लिए उपयोग कर सकते हैं। प्रदाता तब फिएट या क्रिप्टो आवंटन मोड में संसाधित भुगतान प्राप्त करना चुन सकते हैं।

टर्नियन तरलता निधि 
यह दो अन्य घटकों का दिल है। यह सुनिश्चित करता है कि टीआरएन टोकन की मुद्रास्फीति नहीं होती है और टर्नियन प्लेटफ़ॉर्म के विकास के लिए जमा धन को सहेज नहीं पाएगी।

टोकन NRT 
NRT ERC20 चिप है, जो शेयर बाजार पर विनिमय आयोग या फीस हस्तांतरण Ternion भुगतान करने के लिए मंच पर टोकन उपयोगिता में कार्य करता है के साथ संगत है। इसके अलावा, चिप्स ईआरसी 20 के साथ संगत सभी मार्करों के साथ संगतता प्रदान करते हैं, जो टर्नियन पारिस्थितिक तंत्र के सभी उपयोगकर्ताओं को लाभान्वित करते हैं।

टेर्नियन में निवेश क्यों करें?
मंच मोबाइल प्लेटफ़ॉर्म और एक वेब एप्लिकेशन के लिए एक एप्लिकेशन के माध्यम से उपलब्ध है, जो न केवल संस्थागत खिलाड़ियों के लिए सुविधाजनक है, बल्कि किसी भी खुदरा निवेशक के लिए सुविधाजनक बनाता है।

टर्नियन किसी भी भावी प्रगति के जनता को सूचित पारदर्शिता और विश्वसनीयता सुनिश्चित करने के लिए मंच के लेन-देन और संचालन का वार्षिक लेखा परीक्षा आयोजित करेगा।

टर्नियन स्टॉक एक्सचेंज का एक यूरोपीय वाणिज्यिक लाइसेंस है और तेजी से निरीक्षण के लिए ऑन-बोर्ड ट्रांसमिशन के लिए सभी लागू यूरोपीय नियमों का अनुपालन करता है।

मंच में एक व्यापक ग्राहक सहायता सेवा है जिसमें इष्टतम प्रबंधन भी शामिल है जो ग्राहकों को टर्नियन से संबंधित समस्याओं या समस्याओं के मामले में मदद करेगा।

पैरामीटर आईसीओ Ternion (टोकन TRN) 
टोकन: TRN 
प्रोटोकॉल टोकन: ERC20 
कुल टोकन: 95,000,000 NRT 
पूर्व बिक्री में पावर टोकन: 22,500,000 TRN 
आईसीओ के लिए पावर टोकन: 53,500,000 TRN 
तिथि पंजीकरण दिनांक: सक्रिय जब तक 28 जून, 2018। 
आईसीओ की तारीख: 
एक जून 29 अगस्त 29 गुणांक एक्सचेंज दौर: 1 TRN अमरीकी डालर 0.65 
बी दौर अगस्त 30 अक्टूबर 30 विनिमय 2.10 अमरीकी डालर 1 TRN की दर 
सी दौर 1 नवम्बर दिसम्बर 30 विनिमय दर: 1 अमरीकी डालर TRN 3, 23
सॉफ़्टवेयर: 5,000,000 
हार्डकवर: 65,000,000

विस्तृत जानकारी:

श्वेत पत्र

Eth: 0x4Fc47233411361C0c479FF6B5DB52e635394fbac

Ternion - troca de criptografia híbrida com o fiat de gateway e pre-ico

Hasil gambar untuk ternion bounty

A Ternion pretende resolver alguns casos dentro das atuais condições de câmbio em espaços inadequados da moeda criptografada e até mesmo comprometer a pior expansão. 
O ecossistema Ternion fornece uma solução real para todas as instituições financeiras legais que 
são compreensíveis para uso na troca sempre crescente de criptografias.
Ternion é uma troca ajustável de criptomoedas, baseada na Estônia, oferecendo 
soluções de primeira classe para criptografia e criptografia e processamento de pagamentos. 
O ecossistema do Ternion consiste em três pilares: os 
fundos de liquidez Ternion Exchange, Ternion Payment e Ternion.

Ternion combina a segurança tradicional de plataformas financeiras dentro da moeda criptográfica de câmbio. 
O Ecossistema Ternion oferece uma solução real para todas as instituições financeiras legais que estão prontas para serem usadas com a sempre crescente troca de moedas criptografadas, a 
ternion opera dentro de um comércio totalmente licenciado [FVR000209]. 
essa licença permitirá que o Ternate funcione como uma troca ajustável, e o processador de processamento de tokens aumentará os preços e incentivará a troca de usuários para comprar e armazenar tokens.

Faça uma transição desobstruída entre o velho mundo das moedas fiduciárias e o novo mundo da moeda criptografada. À medida que a liquidez da troca centralizada aumenta, a Ternion Exchange combinará a descentralização. 
A Ternion Exchange oferece ofertas simples, seguras e diversificadas com total suporte ao cliente. O processador de pagamento será ativado pela Ternion Customers e 
pelos parceiros comerciais para uma integração desimpedida da moeda criptografada à vida cotidiana. 
Ternion Exchanging 
Suporta Ternion Payments 
Experiência e Usabilidade Usuários de Primeira Classe 
Suporte 24/7, Segurança e Transparência 
Aceitação de Pagamento 
Aceitação de Criptomoeda, Aceite 
Instituições Financeiras Reguladas pela Fiat 
Integração API Simples
Ternion Liquidity Fund 
Proporcionando risco de hedge para o capital do ecossistema 
Sustentando o Exchange Trading Exchange Pool 
Ternion gestão de liquidez

A Ternion Exchange oferece negociação em fiat-toc-trapos e, como é licenciada, efetivamente subirá as escadas para a CoinMarketCap após um lançamento comercial completo devido à disponibilidade de negociações para organizações auditadas em todo o mundo.

O token turnkey (TRN) será usado como um método de troca em todo o ecossistema Ternion. Isso inclui os custos de negociação, taxas de comissão e taxas de listagem. O TRN será criado apenas durante um evento, começando com uma pré-venda pessoal. Além disso, nenhum token será vendido após a final do ICO. Tokens não vendidos serão destruídos.

O TRN é um ativo digital híbrido suportado por um ecossistema financeiro que mantém sua liquidez por meio de atividade lucrativa.

Estrutura de pré-venda do token TRN

Venda pública de fichas 
Assim que a venda preliminar for concluída e a Ternion desenvolver a bolsa de Criptomoeda MVP, o projeto estará aberto para a venda pública dos tokens. O token público será vendido em 3 rodadas com uma taxa de desconto menor para cada rodada subsequente.

NOSSA GRANDE EQUIPE se esforçará para trabalhar o máximo possível em nosso projeto, se você está interessado em nosso projeto, você pode investir aqui. 
Para atualizações relacionadas a informações de investimento sobre seu token TRN, você pode acompanhar os links em nossos sites oficiais de redes sociais acima.

A informação detalhada:

Eth: 0x4Fc47233411361C0c479FF6B5DB52e635394fbac

Ternion ICO

Gambar terkait

Ternion è concesso in licenza la piattaforma di scambio digitale, porta d'ingresso integrato di Fiat e servizi business. Si sta espandendo la disponibilità sul mercato kriptovalyutnogo collegando servizi finanziari moderni per sistemi finanziari decentrati, che facilita e promuove l'innovazione nel finanziamento kriptovom anche Ternion volto a promuovere l'innovazione nel kriptofinansirovanii sviluppando criptovaluta avendo vero e proprio supporto per il business redditizio e non sulla speculazione, ma di forze naturali del mercato.
nessuna comunità Ternion su una piattaforma che mira a risolvere alcuni dei problemi che interessano i sistemi kriptovalyutnyh mercato oggi, come una mancanza di fiducia da parte del ICO nella sicurezza dei loro beni digitali, kriptoobmenah con standard più bassi di quelli stabiliti dalle società di intermediazione tradizionali, e le difficoltà di condurre cryptothermine come metodo di pagamento.

Ecosistema Ternion 
Ternion ecosistema costituito da tre componenti che cooperano insieme e Ternion supporto (TRN) come piattaforma di scambio utile.

Ternion Exchange è una piattaforma di scambio economica, conveniente ed efficace che consente agli utenti di convertire crittografia crittografica, fiat in crittografia e crittografia. L'obiettivo principale dello scambio è offrire ai criptomoneadores una soluzione integrale.

Processore di pagamento di Ternion 
Il processore di pagamento facilita i pagamenti tra i fornitori e i loro clienti. Gli utenti riceveranno una carta di debito che possono utilizzare per effettuare pagamenti. I fornitori possono scegliere di ricevere pagamenti elaborati in modalità di allocazione fiat o crittografica.

Ternion Liquidity Fund 
Questo è il nucleo degli altri due componenti. Ciò garantisce che l'inflazione dei token TRN non abbia luogo e non salverà i fondi accumulati per lo sviluppo della piattaforma di Ternion.

Token di Ternion TRN è un token compatibile con ERC20, che funge da token di utilità sulla piattaforma per pagare commissioni per il cambio o per trasferire token nello scambio di Ternion. Inoltre, i token forniscono compatibilità con tutti i marker compatibili con ERC20, a vantaggio di tutti gli utenti dell'ecosistema di Ternion.

Perché investire in Ternion?
La piattaforma è disponibile attraverso un'applicazione per piattaforme mobili e un'applicazione web, che la rende comoda non solo per i giocatori istituzionali, ma anche per tutti gli investitori al dettaglio.

Ternion svolgerà un audit annuale delle transazioni e del funzionamento della piattaforma per garantire trasparenza e affidabilità informando il pubblico di eventuali progressi futuri.

Lo scambio di Ternion ha una licenza commerciale europea ed è conforme a tutti gli standard europei stabiliti per la trasmissione a bordo per una rapida ispezione.

La piattaforma ha un servizio clienti completo che contiene anche il top management che aiuterà i clienti quando hanno problemi o problemi legati a Ternion.

Parametro ICO Ternion (segnale TRN) 
Token: TRN 
Protocollo Token: ERC20 
totale Token: 95.000.000 TRN 
Fornire un gettone in prevendita: 22500000 TRN 
gettoni di consegna per ICO: 53.500.000 TRN 
Data prevendita: attiva fino al 28 giugno 2018. 
Data ICO: 
rotonda uno scambio 29 giugno 29 agosto: 1 TRN 0,65 USD 
rotonda B 30 30 ago scambio ottobre: 1 TRN 2.10 USD 
C rotonda il 1 ° novembre, 30 dicembre tasso di cambio: 1 TRN 3.23 USD
Copertura morbida: 5 000 000 
Copertura rigida: 65.000.000

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Hasil gambar untuk ternion bounty

Ternion is een hybride digitaal activum ondersteund door een financieel ecosysteem dat zijn liquiditeit ondersteunt door winstgevende bedrijfsactiviteiten.
Dit is wat dat voor u als tokenhouder betekent:
Afscheid nemen van waardevermindering en ineenstorting van activa - met vertrouwen bijdragen
Betaal voor goederen en diensten met behulp van cryptocurrency zonder verlies te lijden en mislukte transacties veroorzaakt door prijsschommelingen
Ontvang de VIP-behandeling bij het werken aan de Ternion Exchange, met kortingen over de hele linie bij het betalen van kosten met Ternion
Accepteer eenvoudig online betalingen in cryptocurrency en ontvang fiat of een andere munt met Ternion Payments
Wanneer je bijdraagt ​​aan het Ternion Initial Coin Offering, krijg je meer dan alleen een token - je krijgt een toegang met een onbeperkte toegang tot een toekomst waarin cryptocurrency een betrouwbaar financieel hulpmiddel is voor consumenten, handelaars, inzenders - iedereen.

Binnen het Ternion-ecosysteem zijn alle interne inkomstengenererende mechanismen erop gericht
het handhaven van het Ternion Liquidity Fund. Net zoals het financiële model van Ternion vertrouwt op de natuurlijke markt
krachten om de Ternion-liquiditeit te ondersteunen, net als de nutsfunctionaliteit van het Ternion-token. De
TRN-token is uitzonderlijk goed geïntegreerd in het Ternion-ecosysteem en dient als methode voor
ruilen voor kosten die zijn gemaakt via de Ternion Exchange en de Ternion Payments-activiteiten.
Dit hulpprogramma kan leiden tot een hogere vraag naar het TRN-token, dat vervolgens wordt teruggekanaliseerd
in het ecosysteem, het creëren van een ingesloten cyclus van vraag en aanbod.
Ternion Exchange is een gereguleerde, gelicenseerde en gecentraliseerde entiteit die crypto naar crypto, fiat naar crypto en crypto naar fiat trading toestaat.
In de post ICO-fase wordt de uitwisseling hybride. Het vergemakkelijkt een gedecentraliseerde uitwisseling met een gecentraliseerde centrale.
De betalingsverwerker van Ternion is een betalingsgateway die naar goeddunken van een leverancier kan worden geïmplementeerd en kaarten aan zijn gebruikers verstrekt. De gebruikers kunnen de bankpas ook gebruiken om de leveranciers te betalen. Leveranciers kunnen kiezen voor fiat of cryptocurrency voor de goederen en diensten door de Ternion API in hun betaalmethode te implementeren. Dit wordt mogelijk gemaakt door de integratie van de Exchange in het systeem.

Het Ternion Liquidity Fund ondersteunt twee bedrijfsmodellen en is de ruggengraat van de Exchange en de betalingsprocessor. Het Fonds is ook verantwoordelijk voor het terugkopen van de tokens met een kwart van de winst van het bedrijf en het verbranden van hen om de inflatie te bestrijden. Het Fonds bewaart ook nog een vierde van de geaccumuleerde fondsen om beschikbare liquiditeit te hebben voor de toekomstige uitbreiding van Ternion wereldwijd.

Compatibiliteit mogelijk tussen alle ERC20-compatibele tokens, die aanzienlijke voordelen opleveren voor elke gebruiker van het Ternion-ecosysteem.
De Ternion Exchange heeft een Europese Crypto-handelsvergunning №FVR000209
FIX API-integratie
Ternion heeft FIX API-integratie. We willen Integration and Rest API-integratie overbruggen

Q1 2018
Exchange-ontwikkeling begint.

Q2 2018
Openbare Pre-Sale. Exchange lancering.

Q3 2018
Openbare verkoop.

Kwartaal 2018
Gedecentraliseerde Exchange Closed Beta. Exchange introduceert Margin Trading. Gedecentraliseerde Exchange-ontwikkeling begint. Wissel liquiditeitspooluitbreiding.

Q1 2019
Ternion Payments Development begint. Gedecentraliseerde Exchange-lancering. Betalingen gesloten Beta. Exchange Prime Launch.

Q2 2019
Betalingen starten.

Tokens: TRN
Token-protocol: ERC20
Totaal token: 95.000.000 TRN
Token levering in de voorverkoop: 22.500.000 TRN
Token-aflevering tijdens ICO: 53.500.000 TRN
Voorverkoopdatum: actief tot 28 juni 2018.

Ronde A 29 juni 29 augustus wisselkoers: 1 TRN 0,65 USD
Ronde B 30 augustus 30 oktober wisselkoers: 1 TRN 2,10 USD
Ronde C 1 november 30 wisselkoers: 1 TRN 3,23 USD
Zachte dekking: 5 000 000
Hardcover: 65 000 000

De gedetailleerde informatie:

Eth: 0x4Fc47233411361C0c479FF6B5DB52e635394fbac


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