Jumat, 13 April 2018


Hasil gambar untuk crosspays.com bounty


Crosspays is the community of businessmen and consumers, the first selfregulang decentralized global trading marketplace in the world, the search engine, economical and social network encompassing and including local and internaonal B2B, B2C and C2C markets of goods, services and entertainment using blockchain technologyEthereum. Crosspays, exactly as Bitcoin, suggests the unique service in the world-wide scale and gives the opportunity to earn money for hundreds million people with analog ofmining- support of the Crosspays Community. Crosspays unites all the world markets of goods and services in one place, whereby businessmen successfully break economical barriers created by monopolies and delivertheir goods directlyto the end- users. Consumers and manufacturers get the universal trading marketplace to supply and demand goods and services without necessity of mul- applicaon site working. The users of Community are not to pay the enormous percentage to intermediaries, so they get the opportunity of direct delivering and accepng various services, such as taxi, logiscs, real estate lending and renng and thousands ofothers. The Crosspays Community Members receive income from the giant profits of corporaons selling adversements in the Internet and earn in the Crosspays community in hundreds of ways, doing the usual for themselves acons. The Crosspays community opens up really unlimited opportunies to the Users in the field of sell and purchase, exchange, communicaon, consuming goods and services for any kinds of crypto and fiat money, and also the possibility to earn money in this system using different methods and geng income from the life ofthe Community.

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In the basis of the economy of Internet giants and the largest Internet services lies the concept of maximizing profit from each users acon. Up to 80% ofincome ofthe largest Internet corporaons and online services is the revenue from the sale the behavior model and markeng data of users acvelyusing condionally“free” services. In fact, any Internet User has a unique product having fixed price in certain currency units. But this product is being at the disposal of corporaons and being sold and bought without any permission of these Users and bringing hundred billions dollars income to the monopolies and intermediaries. Moreover, corporaons and monopolies hide from Users how much they have earned. Unlike them Crosspays is completely transparent: all internal transacons in Crosspays system are fulfilled only using blockchain technology, smart contracts and internal currency ofthe Crosspays Community — CPS Tokens. This lets moneze every user’s acon and make Crosspays user be a beneficiary of growing market of electronic commerce, so as the adversing market. Crosspays suggests users absolutely new economic model of relaonships — the concept of Economic Jusce . Its essence is simple: The income of Crosspays is being automacally distributed between acve parcipants of the Community in proporon to their acveness in the interests of the Community

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The Internet is full of stories of fraud and decepon — both intenonal and unintenonal, the vicms of which are users of "tradional" trading plaorms. Those people are suggested to fight independently with intruders, dishonest sellers, learn to idenfy the criminal intenons of counterpares during prepayment, operaons with bank cards, transacons with real estate, cars and so on. In case of financial or material losses of the User, the Marketplace eliminates, leaving the User with his problems and without money. Crosspays relieves its users of all listed and similarrisks. Nowthe interacon of sellers and buyers completelypasses into the white zone.

Hasil gambar untuk crosspays.com bounty


Therefore, each new Community User, every transacon and acon in the System increases the capitalizaon of the CPS token. Crosspays tokens are freelytraded on exchanges, used online and offline all around the world.

Transacon fees for currency conversion and deposit offunds under Smart contracts are onlyin CPS tokens

Payments for the Crosspays Community Services and commissions forin-system transacons are onlyin CPS tokens

Payments for User acons in the interests of the Crosspays Communityare onlyin CPS tokens

Calculaons of income to the Community Users are only in CPS tokens

Capitalizaon ofthe CPS token increases with each newCommunity User

CPS tokens are accepted at a price no lowerthan their nominal value of$1 or at market value, ifit is higher.

After ICO, the Crosspays tokens will be freely available on exchanges.

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Therefore, each new Community User, every transacon and acon in the System increases the capitalizaon of the CPS token. Crosspays tokens are freelytraded on exchanges, used online and offline all around the world. CROSSPAYS The economic model ofCrosspays covers all the world markets of goods and services, allowing the use of CPS tokens in tens of millions successful transacons every day. Due to the global coverage of internaonal economic markets, the operang fee in Crosspays tokens is minimal, and the income ofthe Communityand its Users is more.

Hasil gambar untuk crosspays.com bounty

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